Here with you

Journey through Lent and Easter at your Cathedral

20240324 - Cathedral Palms

From moments of profound reflection to the vibrant joy of Easter, join us as we retell God’s story of love, sacrifice, and salvation.
Experience atmospheric services, meaningful talks from guest speakers, and beautiful music from the Cathedral Choir.


Ash Wednesday

Wednesday 5 March

Ash Wednesday marks the start of Lent. Join us for a day of services, including:

12.30 Lunchtime Eucharist

6.00pm Eucharist for Ash Wednesday sung by the Cathedral Choir.

All Day Ashes to Go will be offered outside the Cathedral – various times.



Find Out More

Upcoming Lent & Easter Events


Eucharist for Ash Wednesday

Wed March 5th: 6:00pm
Bristol Cathedral

This service marks the start of Lent, a period of prayerful self examination and reflection as we prepare for the


Lent Quiet Day with Kenneth Wilson

Sat March 15th: 9:30am
Bristol Cathedral

Featuring Kenneth Wilson’s Meditation on the Seven Last Words Join us for a Lent Quiet Day led by Kenneth Wilson, where


Eucharist and Procession of Palms

Sun April 13th: 10:00am
Bristol Cathedral

Join us for Palm Sunday as we commemorate Our Lord’s entry into Jerusalem, marking the beginning of the Holy Week. On


Witnesses on the way to the Cross

Sun April 13th: 3:30pm
Bristol Cathedral

A creative service of poetry, reflection and music which invites us to see Jesus through the eyes of those who knew


Compline: The Gift of the Body

Mon April 14th: 6:00pm
Bristol Cathedral

This year, Canon Neil Patterson will lead us in Compline, drawing on the writings of Rachel Mann, including her theological


Compline: The Gift of the Body

Tue April 15th: 6:00pm
Bristol Cathedral

This year, Canon Neil Patterson will lead us in Compline, drawing on the writings of Rachel Mann, including her theological

Children’s Activities

Crafty Cathedral

Wed April 16th: 10:00am
Bristol Cathedral

Join us for a creative and engaging morning as we explore the stories of Holy Week and Easter through interactive


Compline: The Gift of the Body

Wed April 16th: 6:00pm
Bristol Cathedral

This year, Canon Neil Patterson will lead us in Compline, drawing on the writings of Rachel Mann, including her theological


Diocesan Chrism Eucharist

Thu April 17th: 10:30am
Bristol Cathedral

The Diocesan Chrism Eucharist takes place on Maundy Thursday at Bristol Cathedral, led by the Bishop of Bristol. This annual


Liturgy of The Last Supper

Thu April 17th: 7:30pm
Bristol Cathedral

All are welcome to this Choral Eucharist on Maundy Thursday, which recalls Jesus’ final night with his disciples and arrest