Life Events
Here with you; yesterday, today and tomorrow.
At Bristol Cathedral, we take joy in celebrating life’s significant moments—whether welcoming new beginnings, marking commitments, or honouring life’s end.

These services are typically for those closely connected to the Cathedral, such as regular worshippers or members of our schools. However, we warmly welcome anyone looking to establish a new connection with us. To learn more, contact Canon Neil Patterson, the Vice-Dean, who coordinates these pastoral services.
Weddings and Blessings
Whether you are looking for a small and intimate ceremony or wanting to experience the grandeur of our Nave, we can help you plan your wedding in this beautiful, prayerful and historic space. We have a wonderful choir. We have expert bell ringers. We have talented flower arrangers. We’ll help you plan your special service and we’ll pray for you as you take this exciting step in your journey together.
Please see the requirements at the bottom of the page.

Funerals and Memorial Services
If your loved one had a connection with Bristol Cathedral, we will be delighted to support you in planning their funeral or memorial service at the Cathedral. We realise that this is a difficult and stressful time, and our clergy will help to liaise with family members, plan the service and practicalities and offer pastoral support throughout. There are standard costs attached to these services, which we are happy to provide upon request.

Baptism and Confirmation
Baptism, sometimes known as Christening, celebrates a new beginning of Christian life, whether for a baby, child or adult. Each individual’s journey to faith is different and this service marks a new step in that journey where we become full members of God’s church.
Baptism for babies take place during or after our usual Sunday morning service. Baptism for adults and young people normally takes place as part of a service of Confirmation which take place twice a year.

Who can get married at Bristol Cathedral?
Every couple wishing to have a marriage service in the cathedral must obtain a Special Licence from the Archbishop of Canterbury. In order to receive such a licence you have to demonstrate a close link to Bristol Cathedral. That link can be built up by attending the Cathedral regularly; or you may be a former Bristol Cathedral Choir School pupil, or a current employee or Cathedral volunteer. We will be happy to guide you through the application process.
Can I have a blessing after a civil marriage service?
It is possible to have a service of blessing in the Cathedral with a Church of England service led by our clergy. These are designed by the clergy with each couple and tailored to reflect their needs. We normally consider requests from couples who can demonstrate a link to the Cathedral similar to that required for a wedding. Costs can be explained at a meeting between the couple and clergy.
How much does it cost to get married at the Cathedral?
Fees for weddings are set by the Church of England, in addition to this you will need to pay for the Special Licence and use of the Cathedral Facilities. Staff will be able to run through these costs with you at an initial meeting.
Do you offer prayer for same-sex couples entering into civil partnership or marriage?
Bristol Cathedral seeks to be a place of welcome and inclusion to all and we want to help you to celebrate your commitment. We are not legally able to host a Civil Partnership or same-sex Marriage ceremony, but the Chapter have decided to offer the Prayers of Love and Faith commended by the House of Bishops, to all who wish to give thanks for their same-sex Civil Partnership or Marriage. At present these may only be used as part of an existing service (such as Holy Communion or Evensong) but discussions continue in the Church about the provision of standalone blessing services, and if this happens in the coming months then Bristol Cathedral will offer them.
We normally consider requests from couples who can demonstrate a link to the Cathedral similar to that required for a wedding.
Fees can be explained at a meeting between the couple and clergy.
Who can get baptised at the Cathedral?
Baptism at the Cathedral can be arranged for babies, children and adults who are regular attendees or members of the Cathedral Community or have a strong pastoral reason which will be considered by the clergy. Those who approach the Cathedral but who do not fit into the above criteria will be encouraged to become part of the Cathedral Community before making a formal request for Baptism.
Can I remarry at the Cathedral after divorce?
The Church of England now enables the remarriage of divorcees in the majority of cases and we are very happy to marry you if we can. In our case, the final decision is made by the Archbishop of Canterbury’s office. Our clergy will guide you through the process.
Will a Cathedral priest conduct a funeral at the crematorium or natural burial site?
We would normally hold a funeral service, or provide a minister to take a funeral at the Crematorium or Natural Burial site only for an individual with a connection to the Cathedral, either as a member of the congregation, Chapter or Council. Though if your relative had another connection, do please get in touch.
Can I put a memorial for my loved one in the Cathedral garden?
Our garden was formerly a graveyard and is available for the interment of ashes for those who can demonstrate a significant link to the Cathedral.
If you would like a physical memorial, we ask you to contribute towards the cost of a memorial bench which will bear the name of the individual you wish to be remembered. The detail of this can be explored with a member of the clergy.