Contact Us

Questions? Get in touch with Bristol Cathedral.

General Enquiries

T: 0117 926 4879

E: [email protected]

For general enquiries, please call the switchboard and allow us to direct you.


Visitor Experience

E: [email protected]

Contact the visitor experience team for any queries about Tours, Group Visits or for enquiries relating to the The Lord Mayor’s Chapel.


E: [email protected]

Get in touch to discuss the variety of Volunteering opportunities available at Bristol Cathedral.


E: [email protected]

Get in touch with Rebekah to discuss arranging a school or educational trip to Bristol Cathedral.

Choirs or Services

T: 0117 946 8173‬

E: [email protected]

Get in touch to find out information about choirs or services.


T: 0117 235 0210

E: [email protected]

Reach out to development if you have a fundraising query or would like to find out about making a charitable donation.

Press and Media

T: 0117 946 8170

E: [email protected] 

For any press, media or marketing enquiries.


T: 0117 946 8187

E: [email protected]

To speak to our finance team. 

Pastoral Emergency

T: 0117 926 4879

For pastoral emergencies please ring the main switchboard number and choose the pastoral emergencies option.

Verger Team

T: 0117 946 8181     E: [email protected]

To speak to the Vergers at Bristol Cathedral.

For Fabric or inventory queries please contact our Clerk of Works on [email protected].

Venue Hire

Bristol Cathedral is the perfect place in the heart of the city to host your special event. Whether a concert, exhibition or a fine dining experience, the Cathedral has a variety of stunning spaces to suit your needs. 

To discuss your event please email [email protected] 

Venue Hire

Bristol Cathedral is the perfect place in the heart of the city to host your special event. Whether a concert, exhibition or a fine dining experience, the Cathedral has a variety of stunning spaces to suit your needs. 

To discuss your event please get in touch.

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