Daily Services
Worshipping God for nearly 900 years
Monastic patterns of prayer and worship have echoed through these walls for centuries and continue on today.

Morning Prayer
- 8.15 am | Mon – Sat
- 7.40 am | Sun
Morning Prayer is said at the beginning of every day. The service lasts around 15 minutes and consists of prayers, psalms and a bible reading. We offer up the day ahead to God and invite his presence into our activities.
This service usually takes place in the Quire and is also livestreamed. You can watch the latest service on YouTube, or join our Morning Prayer Facebook Group to watch with others.

Lunchtime Eucharist
12.30pm | Mon – Sat
The Eucharist, also known as Mass or Holy Communion, commemorates the Last Supper, when Christ shared a meal with his disciples before offering himself on the cross, a sacrifice that brings us the gift of new life. The Lunchtime Eucharist is a spoken service in which the congregation is invited to join in the responses provided in the order of service. If it is your tradition to receive the bread and wine, you are warmly welcome to do so. Alternatively, you may choose to receive a blessing from the priest or simply observe.
This service is typically held in one of the side chapels and lasts approximately 30 minutes.

Choral Evensong
5.15pm | Mon – Fri, except Thursdays (term-time only)
3.30pm | Sun
Choral Evensong is usually sung by the Cathedral choir and consists of the singing of texts taken from the bible interspersed with prayers and readings. This service offers a chance to reflect and immerse yourself in the presence of God at the end of the day, through outstanding choral music.
The service is held in the Nave and lasts around 40 minutes. Please check the Music List (there is a link at the bottom of this and every page) for upcoming details of upcoming services, music, and who is singing.

Evening Prayer
5.15pm | Thu
3.30pm | Sat (and other days when there is no choir)
Evening Prayer is a spoken service that takes place towards the end of the day, giving a chance to offer the day back to God and ask for his protection and blessing for the night ahead. Visitors are welcome to join in with the responses provided in the order of service, or just sit and listen.
This service is usually held in the Nave and lasts around 15 mins.

Sunday Services
7.40am | Morning Prayer
8.00am | Holy Communion (BCP)
10.00am | Cathedral Eucharist
3.30pm | Choral Evensong
Our Sunday services follow the same pattern as the weekday services, but with different timings and the addition of the 10.00am Cathedral Eucharist, our biggest service of the week. This is a sung service with a choir including hymns, anthems and a sermon, within the celebration of Holy Communion.
The Cathedral Eucharist is held in the Nave and lasts around an hour and 10 minutes, followed by coffee.
Children of all ages are also invited to join us for prayers, bible readings, teaching and fun activities in a safe, playful, and prayerful environment during the 10.00am Eucharist in term time.