All donations, whatever size, make a real difference and preserve the work and life of your Cathedral. Thank you.
Whether a one-off donation, regular gift or for a special project, your donation will be treated with the greatest care and gratitude.

Donation methods
- If you would prefer to make a donation by cheque, please make this payable to Bristol Cathedral and post to Bristol Cathedral, The Gatehouse, College Green, BS1 5TJ.
- Or by bank transfer please contact the Development Department at [email protected]
- You are also able to make cash donations on entry to the Cathedral or at any of the contactless donation points. Bristol Cathedral has no charge for entry and your donation allows us to remain open to all.

Make your donation go further
By signing up for Gift Aid, you can make your donation go even further.
If you make a donation of £20 we can claim an extra £5 on top from the government at no cost to you.
If you are eligible as a UK tax payer, please consider adding Gift Aid by making your donation online or, by downloading a Gift Aid Declaration form here.
To find out more about Gift Aid or to make changes to your declaration, please get in touch with [email protected].