Supporting the communities of our city and Diocese
As well as offering a safe and inclusive place for all in the centre of Bristol, we seek to step outside of our building and show God’s love throughout our city and Diocese.

Homeless Outreach and Winter Night Shelter
Our Homeless Outreach Team go out five days a week offering conversation, a hot drink and signposting to the homeless community in our local area.
Anyone is welcome to volunteer, regardless of faith. Please contact Roopindera Kaur for more information.
We are also work with other churches to support the Bristol Churches Winter Night Shelter project, providing a warm and safe home for people experiencing homelessness over the cold winter months.

“Having lost a friend to a drugs overdose a few years ago, I felt that I wanted to give something back to the people who had supported him through his tough times. When the opportunity arose to volunteer at the Bristol Churches Winter Night Shelter I jumped at the chance. I feel very proud to have been a part of this project for over 3 years now. the support of everyone involved in the project is astounding and the feedback from the guests is very positive and heart-warming”

Youth Club
Our youth club runs on a Thursday evening once a month for people aged 14-19. Youth club share food together and enjoy fun activities like bowling, hide and seek in the Cathedral and games alongside opportunities for discussion around current affairs, theology and relationships.
For more information please contact Canon Jonnie Parkin.