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Lunchtime Recitals

Eve Doyle & Evie Perfect: Tuesday Lunchtime Recitals

Tue September 17 @ 13:15 - 14:00
Bristol Cathedral

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Eve Doyle & Evie Perfect: Tuesday Lunchtime Recitals

  • Tue September 17 @ 13:15 - 14:00
  • Bristol Cathedral  - College Green, Bristol

This Tuesday: Eve Doyle (mezzo soprano) and Evie Perfect (piano) perform songs of love and loss with songs by Robert and Clara Schumann.

Tuesday Lunchtime Recitals are offered at 1.15pm nearly every Tuesday, lasting approximately 45 minutes. On any given Tuesday you may hear a piano, voice, instrumental or choral. There is no charge for entry to these recitals and everyone is welcome.

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