Bristol Cathedral

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Bristol Cathedral - College Green, Bristol

Grand Iftar at Bristol Cathedral

Bristol Cathedral is pleased to partner with Muslims4Bristol and Bridges for Communities to host the Grand Iftar, a special interfaith community event. Now in its third year, this event welcomes people of all faiths and backgrounds to come together to celebrate Belonging and Togetherness. The Grand Iftar is an opportunity to share stories, build friendships, and learn from one another in a welcoming environment.

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Bristol Cathedral - College Green, Bristol

Morning Prayer

Morning Prayer is part of the monastic rhythms of prayer at the Cathedral.

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Bristol Cathedral - College Green, Bristol

All God’s Children

All God's Children is an exhibition in Bristol Cathedral that explores the impact of the slave economy on Cathedral life, past and present.

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Bristol Cathedral - College Green, Bristol

Lunchtime Eucharist

The Said Lunchtime Eucharist (common worship) is a spoken service where the congregation are invited to join in with the responses written in the order of service.  This service is usually held in one of the side chapels and lasts…

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Bristol Cathedral - College Green, Bristol
Regular Services

Choral Evensong

Choral Evensong is an opportunity to experience captivating music and tranquility in the heart of the city.

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Bristol Cathedral - College Green, Bristol

Morning Prayer

Morning Prayer is part of the monastic rhythms of prayer at the Cathedral.

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Bristol Cathedral - College Green, Bristol

Lent Quiet Day with Kenneth Wilson

Featuring Kenneth Wilson's Meditation on the Seven Last Words Join us for a Lent Quiet Day led by Kenneth Wilson, where he will present his Meditation on the Seven Last Words. This unique meditation combines his reflective poetry with the…

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Bristol Cathedral - College Green, Bristol

All God’s Children

All God's Children is an exhibition in Bristol Cathedral that explores the impact of the slave economy on Cathedral life, past and present.

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Bristol Cathedral - College Green, Bristol

Lunchtime Eucharist

The Said Lunchtime Eucharist (common worship) is a spoken service where the congregation are invited to join in with the responses written in the order of service.  This service is usually held in one of the side chapels and lasts…

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Bristol Cathedral - College Green, Bristol

Evening Prayer

Join us for Evening Prayer, a spoken service at the end of the day. The service consists of psalms, bible readings, prayers and petition. We offer the day back to God and ask for his blessing and protection for the…

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Bristol Cathedral - College Green, Bristol
Regular Services

Morning Prayer

Morning Prayer is part of the monastic rhythms of prayer at the Cathedral.

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Bristol Cathedral - College Green, Bristol
Regular Services

Holy Communion (BCP)

Join us at 8am every Sunday to celebrate Holy Communion, taken from the Book of Common Prayer (BCP).

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