Regular Giving
Your regular donation helps us plan for the future

For where your treasure is, there your heart will be also
-Matthew 6:21
Regular donations help to maintain and develop the work of the Cathedral, building financial resilience that will protect Bristol Cathedral for the future.
Whether you would like to make a general donation to support wherever the need is greatest or, towards a particular Cathedral fund, all donations, whatever size, have real impact.
You are able to donate online and give the same amount monthly or yearly or, by using our standing order form to set up a regular payment with your bank.
Thank you for your support.
Congregational Giving
We deeply value our community members and appreciate all you do to love and care for Bristol Cathedral, whether volunteering to enable the Cathedral to run smoothly, supporting others in need or, donating towards the everyday running. Your support matters to us.
If you are in a position to do so, please kindly consider making a regular gift to support Bristol Cathedral as part of your discipleship.
Your loyal gifts will support mission and ministry and help maintain the upkeep and daily life of your Cathedral.
Please talk to a member of clergy in confidence about making a regular gift to your Cathedral.
Standing Order
If you would prefer to make your regular donation by standing order. Please complete the form below and return by email to [email protected] or by post to The Gatehouse, Bristol Cathedral, College Green, BS1 5TJ. Thank you.