Choral Foundation

For nearly 50 years, the Choral Foundation has provided financial support to sustain the Cathedral’s music tradition.

“The hymns and prayers I learned to sing as a chorister have nourished and sustained me ever since, in good times and in bad.“ – Former Bristol Cathedral Chorister

Since the 1970’s the Choral Foundation has sustained the Cathedral’s Choral tradition, music activities and supported almost 200 choristers and their parents. The Foundation provides bursaries to choristers and probationers as recognition of the work they do in maintaining the Choral Tradition. 

As well as ensuring there are sufficient funds for the bursaries, we discuss the music needs in the Cathedral, and make grants for such things as tours, recordings and robes.  

We are reliant on gifts and legacies from individuals and organisations for support.  This allows us to review the level of bursaries and support other music activities at the Cathedral. 

To find out how you can play your part in the future of choral music, please get in touch below.

Our Trustees

The Charity has 10 trustees who meet three times a year. At each meeting we hear from the Precentor and Master of the Choristers about recent events.
The Trustees are:
  • Richard Bacon (Chair)
  • Jeremy Srokosz (Treasurer)
  • Sarah Jenkinson (Secretary)
  • The Very Revd Dr Mandy Ford (Dean of Bristol)
  • Mark Lee (The Master of Choristers & Organist)
  • Paul Dyke
  • John Davenport
  • Rustom Batiwalla
  • Helen Rowe
  • Liz Parkes

Find out more about supporting our Choral tradition