All God’s Children
Racial Justice
All God’s Children is an exhibition exploring the Cathedral’s connections to the transatlantic slave economy. It is part of an on-going journey of listening to help the Cathedral address the legacy of slavery, not only in the fabric of its building, but in the wider church and community.
A semi-permanent exhibition is on display at the Cathedral. This explores the Cathedral’s connection’s with the transatlantic trade of enslaved people through its memorials and grave-markers.
Throughout this project we are encouraging everyone to comment, reflect and feedback what they feel the Cathedral should do next.

“As a Bristolian it’s hard accepting how much of the spaces we respect and adore have been funded by something as horrible as slavery but it’s important that we confront our history before we can move forward to a better future…”

The Beloved Community
The Beloved Community: a place at the table for everyone, is a one-day conference focusing on exclusion in the church and good practice for overcoming it.
Bristol Cathedral strives to hold this every 18 months with support from Mosaic (Movement of supporting Anglicans for an inclusive church).
The conference is intended to be an opportunity for people to learn about, pray for, and be encouraged to act to ensure that the Church of England is a place of welcome for all, most particularly to those who are excluded because of their gender, sexuality, poverty, race, culture or disability.
If you would like to find out more about supporting or being involved in The Beloved Community we would love to hear from you.

Join the Social Justice group
The Cathedral Social Justice Group meets several times a year, usually after the Sunday morning service, and usually with a guest speaker. All are very welcome, regardless of faith or denomination.
We are a ‘learning and doing group’; for many practical action is key. We have interests in a range of areas: homelessness in Bristol and beyond, refugees, prisoners, housing, racial justice inclusivity, climate care, creating interfaith relationships are some of them.

Modern Slavery
Bristol Cathedral is a member of the Anti-Slavery Partnership which is a multi-agency group jointly chaired by Bristol City Council, Avon & Somerset Police and Unseen.
The partnership helps prevent slavery and exploitation and supports victims by raising awareness, sharing information and referring people who have been trafficked for help.
If you have concerns that someone has been trafficked or local intelligence call the Modern Slavery Helpline on 08000 121 700.