Here with you, yesterday, today and tomorrow.
The Cathedral is an ancient building steeped in history and tradition. We seek to maintain our rhythms of prayer and worship and acknowledge the past, while also using our voice and resources to make significant contributions in today’s society and for future generations to come.

Our Vision
In 2021, we launched our Vision for Bristol Cathedral: Here with You, Yesterday, Today, and Tomorrow.
Bristol Cathedral is here to follow Jesus Christ, serve others, transform communities, worship God and support our Bishops and Diocese. Each of these pillars has goals and measurable outcomes that are helping us work towards our vision.
Open – Generous – Creative – Brave

The Dean & Chapter
The Dean & Chapter are the main governing body of the Cathedral and operate in much the same way as a Trustee Board. It is made up of both lay and ordained people. They have oversight of the strategy and finances of the Cathedral and work closely with the Dean, SLT and supporting committees to drive the organisation towards our goals.
Current Chapter Members:
- The Very Revd Dr Mandy Ford, Dean of Bristol
- The Revd Canon Jonnie Parkin, Canon Missioner
- Canon David Cain, Lay Canon and Canon Treasurer
- Canon Elizabeth Cairncross, Lay Canon
- Canon Naomi Miller, Lay Canon
- Canon Dr John Savage CBE, Senior Non-Executive Member

For Bristol Cathedral that means developing a culture of welcome and inclusion; addressing the challenges of our heritage and embracing the opportunity for transformation, restoration and creativity.

Charity Status
Bristol Cathedral is a registered charity in England and Wales. Registered Charity Number 1204673. The Cathedral reports to the Church Commissioners for England and is governed by the Cathedrals Measure.

Our Bishops and Diocese
Bristol Cathedral is the Mother Church for the Diocese of Bristol and the seat of the Bishop of Bristol, The Rt Revd Vivienne Faull, and the Suffragan Bishop of Swindon, The Rt Revd Neil Warwick.
The Diocese of Bristol covers the parishes of Bristol, Swindon, South Gloucestershire and North Wiltshire. We work closely with the Diocese to support our Bishops’ vision for connecting communities with God, with one another and with the wider world.
Fabric Advisory Committee
The Fabric Advisory Committee is an independent committee that is responsible for advising the Chapter on matters relating to the care, conservation and development of the Cathedral. They support the Cathedral Architect, Cathedral Archaeologist and staff team to find sustainable and innovative ways to maintain and develop our buildings.
Nominations Commitee
The Nominations Committee advises Chapter on the recruitment and training of members of Chapter and other Advisory Groups. They have a particular responsibility to promote equality, equity, diversity and inclusion and to ensure these groups are representative of the communities the Cathedral serves.
Safeguarding Committee
The Safeguarding Committee oversees and promotes safeguarding in the Cathedral and makes recommendations to Chapter on matters relating to this area.
External Stakeholders Advisory Group
The External Stakeholders Advisory Group furthers and supports the life and work of the Cathedral and advises Chapter, to bring wider external perspectives to facilitate Chapter’s thinking and approach.
College of Canons
The College of Canons is made up of lay and ordained people from the Diocese of Bristol who act as ambassadors for the Cathedral. They play an important role in supporting the Cathedral’s mission and ministry across the Diocese.
Community Group
The Community Group is comprised of members of the Cathedral’s worshipping congregation and other internal stakeholders. They bring their perspectives to help guide Chapter’s decision making on matters of the spiritual life, worship, ministry and mission of the Cathedral.
Finance Advisory Committee
The Finance Advisory Committee is chaired by the Canon Treasurer and provides reports and recommendations on financial matters.