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Choral Evensong: Visiting Choir

Sun April 6 @ 15:30 - 16:30
Bristol Cathedral

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Choral Evensong: Visiting Choir

  • Sun April 6 @ 15:30 - 16:30
  • Bristol Cathedral  - College Green, Bristol

Choral Evensong is an opportunity to experience captivating music and tranquility in the heart of the city.

We are delighted to welcome the choir from Holy Trinity Church in Hereford

Evensong allows the congregation to reflect and offer themselves back to God at the end of the day. Join us in the Quire or Nave to participate in whatever way feels comfortable for you.

Please double-check our current music list for Evensong details, as this can be subject to change. View our Services & Music List by scrolling to the bottom of our website

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